The Right Backup Strategy and Software for Every Company Size | Free Antivirus

Quite clear: In a business-to-business environment, money has to be taken into an account to secure data in a legally compliant and strategic manner. The following basic considerations are essential for the preparation of the company-specific backup strategy and the selection of the appropriate backup software.

Backup Strategy | Free Antivirus

In addition to typical questions that every private user should answer about his backup strategy, entrepreneurs and the self-employed are required to consider the following further questions:

·         How time-critical is the data to be protected? Tax data has a different temporal relevance than production or CRM data, which customers request on a daily or even hourly basis.

·         When does data have to be available again at the latest, for For example to comply with customer-critical parameters such as the service level?

·         Which hardware should and can be used for the backup? Tape drives or hard drives?

·         Which suitable employees are enabled to perform backups?

·         What budget is available for backup solutions?

·         Is it possible that sensitive data could be outsourced to the cloud?


Backup Strategies Depending on The Size of The Company

1. Small Businesses or Sole Proprietorships.

Even if it is attractive: even if you have a tight budget, micro-entrepreneurs should not only rely on storage in the operating system and freeware. The backup strategy should back up the entire hard disk (so-called image backup ) so that a relatively quick and unproblematic recovery is possible in the event of hardware problems. Last but not least, small business owners should pay attention to the regularly stored amounts of data when purchasing the software, so that the storage capacities are available for as long as possible.

2. Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs).

High-quality software is a must here. Run daily or at least weekly backups depending on the volume of data - this can be set in every backup software. SMEs should possibly rely on a differentiated backup strategy and carefully analyze what should be backed up on a daily, weekly, or even monthly basis. Differentiated according to hardware, for example, the daily backup could take place in parallel on the server and a storage tower. Servers should also be protected against the weak point "power failure" with an uninterruptible power supply, if possible.

Into the cloud? From a purely physical point of view, this is the virtual outsourcing of data to the cloud the safest way to back up data - but this decision also depends on the basic trust in data security and compliance with security standards. With a cloud backup, a company transfers responsibility for data backups to third parties. This appears to be very convenient because of the convenient, automatic updates as well as in terms of cost and efficiency. In times of proven industrial espionage, however, a company should carefully consider this step and carefully check the conditions, security standards, and assessments.

3. Large Companies and Corporations

Corporations usually have large data centers (their own cloud) or rely on system service providers for data backup (tips) who use complex software solutions and specific, individually programmed backup server landscapes at customer companies.

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