Free Virus Protection: Are the Free Programs Enough | Free Antivirus Software

Who would want to lose their cherished pictures and videos or important private data? Every user has surely made at least one acquaintance with malware, worms, or viruses in their digital life story. Even if a Firefox developer-first time explicitly warns: The protection against malware and data loss, ransomware and similar malicious programs, as well as the installation of conservation programs for the detection of infections, appear to be essential to prevailing opinion. Not to forget the mobile world: Here, too, there is now an ever-expanding portfolio of mobile virus protection programs.

Free Virus Protection

For users who do not want to spend at least 20 to 30 euros a year, the question arises whether the numerous free virus protection programs are not enough? What can free antivirus software do? By the way: The protection against Trojans "for free" is principally intended for private users. The general terms and conditions of the manufacturers usually indicate this "in the small print".

Free Virus Protection Is "bought" with Unwanted Advertising and Limited Scope

Free virus protection and the paid full versions of the individual manufacturers differ primarily in the extent of the advertising they contain. The free versions of the software manufacturers are financed to a considerable extent by additional software. The free virus protection programs offer the same protection as the paid virus protection. During the installation or later with an update, one or the other software is "turned on". For users of free versions, it is important to pay close attention and critically question the manual, automatic installation.

The free versions offer good basic virus protection with scaled-down and slowed-down functionality. For a little more money, end-users not only get a complete virus scanner but usually also a few extras. Free virus scanners search for viruses, but paid programs also examine phishing e-mails and point out other dangers - for example, encrypted malware such as packers and crypter. Especially when it comes to protecting against phishingHowever, end-users should know that programs cannot do everything. People themselves are asked to be attentive to incoming e-mails. Those who only rely on free virus protection usually forego 24-hour updates, their own firewall, web filters, or behavioral detection functions. Full-service anti-virus programs basically work with two detection methods:

·         Reactive Detection. This method is offered by the free virus protection as well as the paid programs and is based on signature files. The malicious program is known and is recognized by the signature. Free virus protection only relies on signature recognition - prerequisite: the virus protection program is updated and up to date.

·         Proactive Detection. With this method, no signature is known yet, but it should be recognized promptly. This is done through the use of heuristics, behavior-based methods, or sandbox technology. These technologies are used in paid virus protection software for the period from the occurrence of the malware to the time the signature is discovered.

Last but not least, the software manufacturers offer the freeware to a larger user community with the motive of testing their software intensively.
