What is Malware and What Types of Malware Can Affect You?

Do you know what malware is? Maybe yes and maybe not. However, the colloquial term "computer virus" sure does ring a bell. Maybe also malicious software, worm, or Trojan.


There are two types of people, those who have suffered malware and those who do not know it yet. And this is because there are a great variety of types of malware that should be known to prevent its effects.

What is Malware?

Malware, also known as " malicious software " is a fairly broad concept that encompasses any program that can be harmful to computer systems.

It is a hostile and intrusive program since the purpose of the cybercriminal who uses them is to enter the equipment, systems, or networks and damage them, thus assuming control of part or all of their operations.

In this way, the cybercriminal can steal information from the victim. Although the malware  usually does not affect systems hardware or network equipment, Yes you can:

  • Steal, encrypt, and erase sensitive information.
  • Modify or hijack the basic functions of the computer.
  • Spying on the user through their own device without having knowledge of it.

When it comes to who the malware attack can target, the answer is easy:  ANY person and system can be a victim.

There are millions of computing devices that are connected to bank accounts or that have personal and corporate data and even sensitive images or videos that are very tempting for a cybercriminal. 

What Types of Malware Are There?

When a person wants to protect their computing devices, they usually think that just by installing an antivirus they are already safe. However, the antivirus cannot cope with all types of threats per se, as there are many types of malware today.

For this reason, as Incibe recommends, it is very important to be informed and to know which are the most common types of malware:

1. VIRUSES  - They are malicious programs that have the ability to create copies of themselves to attach them to legitimate programs or storage media such as hard drives.

To spread, they need the user to intervene, through social engineering, downloading files, or visiting unreliable websites. Thus, they can carry out the actions for which they were designed: slow down the device, lock it, or make it inaccessible, among others.

2. WORMS  - They are a kind of malicious code designed, at first, to spread almost automatically through communication networks, being initiated by the user's intervention in different services such as email.

Currently, they have the ability to replicate and spread over any network without the user having to intervene to do so, and it does so from instant messaging or file-sharing networks (P2P). They take advantage of vulnerabilities found in operating systems or downloaded applications and their propagation speed is very high, more than that of viruses.

3. TROJANS  - It is one of the most dangerous types of malware. They are malicious programs that are usually hidden in legitimate programs. Although, also in any file or link. Its objective is to provide, through a "disguise", unauthorized access to the infected system.

To spread it needs the user to download and install it. Today, there are many types of Trojans as a result of the success of cybercriminals in their use:

  • Backdoors - They are known as remote access Trojans. They allow attackers to access the entire computer so that they can carry out any activity on it.
  • Keyloggers - It is a type of malware that records the keystrokes made by the user on the keyboard, allowing the credentials and information entered to be discovered.
  • Stealers - They are Trojans who have access to a user's private information stored on computers. Once private information is found, they steal it and send it to cybercriminals.

4. RANSOMWARE  - It is a type of malware, whose objective is to gain control of the computer to encrypt access to it and/or its files or hard drives in exchange for a condition that usually requires the payment of a ransom by the owner. E l most common method of propagation is by sending malicious emails to those affected. 

Users are tricked into opening an infected file or clicking on a link that redirects them to the attacker's website. It is right at that moment, when and where they become infected. For more information, here is a Practical Guide on Ransomware.

5. SPYWARE  - It is a type of malware designed to collect information about user activity. It is programmed to be inconspicuous so that the user does not notice or have knowledge of any abnormal activity.

Obviously, the longer you go undetected, the more information they can collect. Once collected, it is sent to servers or email addresses that collect it and, later, use it for all kinds of illicit purposes.

6. ADWARE  - It is a malicious program designed to display ads to the user. They are usually installed alongside other legitimate programs. Its objective is to collect information about user activity in order to display advertisements that are specific and targeted at the victim.

Generally, these types of applications tend to be a nuisance and a nuisance. In addition, its installation can lead to a worse functioning of the device, in addition to facilitating access to websites that normally have other types of malware.

Get a good antivirus that includes layered protection and provides disinfection functionality to correct any changes caused by malware.
