Tips to Protect a Business From Ransomware Attacks | Total Security

Businesses are one of the favorite targets of cybercriminals, who are always looking for new ways to attack their systems, steal their information, or hinder their work. One of the most common attacks suffered by businesses (including large corporations) is ransomware. This type of malware can cause serious damage to the operation of any organization, preventing access to data or even the applications they use in their day-to-day life. That is why it is necessary to have a good protection system against this type of infection or attack and to have a series of protocols and good practices to avoid it.

Protect a Business From Ransomware Attacks

Next, we will see what ransomware is and how companies should protect themselves from this real threat to their data and systems.

What is Ransomware

Ransomware is a type of malware that is designed to infect a computer or system and its objective is to  “hijack” the data, asking for a financial ransom in exchange to release it. It is a malicious attack that encrypts data on a computer, preventing access to it.

Once a computer is infected with ransomware, an information screen about the attack is obtained where an economic amount is requested to unlock the data. A  form of payment, in most cases, using cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin. Since they are difficult to track (they can also request payment by Paypal or SMS).

Types of Ransomware

There are four types of ransomware that are the most used to attack companies:

Police Virus. This type of ransomware attack displays a message warning that the machine has been blocked for accessing illegal sites. This message pretends to be sent by the police to try to deceive a greater number of people and make them pay the requested fine.

Filecoder. This ransomware encrypts files, preventing their access. If the user pays the ransom in cryptocurrencies, the key to unlock said files will be provided. There is a variant of this ransomware that is Wiper, which once the ransom has been paid, the code does not unlock the files, but rather deletes them.

Lockscreen. This ransomware blocks access to the computer, preventing any function from being performed if the ransom is not paid and the code is received for its deactivation.

Hoax. This ransomware technique does not actually lock files like Filecoder but pretends to do so, forcing victims to pay out of fear.

How to Protect a Business From Ransomware Attacks

As we have seen, the consequences of a ransomware attack can be devastating for a company: data loss, long periods of inactivity, compromised sensitive files, among others. That is why it is important that you take steps to be protected against this dangerous malware.

Have Backups in the Cloud

The best way to be protected against a ransomware attack is to have a  backup in the cloud for companies since if it happens, the backup would be on servers outside the company and would not be affected by malware. In addition, data and systems could be recovered in a short time, avoiding data loss and minimizing downtime.

The best thing is to go to a company that offers backup cloud services that guarantee to always have an external and automated copy. That is a short time it can be rescued in case of need.

Use Total Security With Options With Protection Against Ransomware

The tool used to protect against malware must have protection against ransomware attacks. Install total security to reduce the chances of being infected as much as possible (for example, Windows Defender from Windows 10).

Keep the Operating System Updated

Having the latest operating system updates ensures that you have the latest fixes that prevent security gaps or errors that can take advantage of malware to attack the system.

Avoid Opening Email Attachments

User intervention is key in most cases of malware infection, which is why cybercriminals often use fake emails. To trick users into executing attachments that are actually malware (most of the time Trojans install and prevent other harmful malware from accessing).

It is also common to include links to suspicious sites in these emails that hide a gateway for malware.

Ransomware is malware that targets businesses. Cybercriminals are aware of the importance of data and access to their systems for their daily activity. Taking protective measures against this type of attack, as well as good practices, is vital. But the best option to guarantee minimizing risks is to have a backup in the cloud. That allows everything to be left as it was before the attack, in a very short time.
